Bylaws of the Political Workers Guild, as amended June 19th, 2024.
The Political Workers Guild of Colorado (PWG) shall be governed by the Constitution of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), policies adopted at CWA International Convention, the Constitution of The Newspaper Guild Sector of CWA (TNG-CWA) as amended, the Local Bylaws of the Denver Newspaper Guild (DNG) as amended, and the following Operating Procedures (“Procedures”) which are supplementary thereto:
This unit of The Denver Newspaper Guild, TNG-CWA Local 37074, Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, shall be known as the Political Workers Guild of Colorado.
Section 1. The membership meeting of the Unit shall be the supreme authority of the Unit.
Section 2. Between regular membership meetings of the Unit, its governing body shall be the Executive Committee consisting of the three Officers along with the remainder of the Steering Committee. Between regular membership meetings, the Steering Committee shall make decisions and take action on behalf of the membership. However, the Steering Committee shall make no decision permanently establishing general policies of the Unit.
Section 1. Any person eligible for membership in the Communications Workers of America, as defined in Article V of its Constitution, shall be eligible for membership in this Unit, if the individual is performing, seeking, or recently performed work as a legislative aide, organizer, or campaign worker.
Section 2. Membership in the Unit shall be obtained after completion of any forms required for membership and payment of initial membership dues in the appropriate amount upon the majority vote of the Steering Committee or Select Committee authorized to accept or reject membership on behalf of the Unit.
Section 3. Any person who at one time was a member of good standing may continue membership as an Alumni.
Section 4. No individual who assumes public office shall be eligible for membership of the Unit during their tenure in public office.
Section 5. Resignation of Unit membership must be in writing to the Steering Committee and shall be effective upon receipt.
Section 6. Members shall vote in any proposed election when called upon by the election authority of the Unit.
Members of the Unit shall pursue the growth, well-being, and continuity of the Unit.
Members of the Unit shall inform the Unit Secretary of all changes to dues and job status a timely manner.
Members of the Unit shall remain current on dues and payments, with notice of hardship given in a timely manner to the Unit Secretary to be resolved in a cordial and mutually established manner between the member and the Unit.
Failure to uphold these duties may result in membership status deemed out of good standing. Members out of good standing may be removed from the Unit by the members of the Steering Committee.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the membership shall be held monthly. The monthly meeting shall be held every third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM MT. The annual meeting shall be held in January.
Section 2. The Unit Secretary or Steering Committee shall give not less than five days’ notice to the membership in advance of every membership meeting, except that in an emergency, the Steering Committee, by majority vote, may call a special membership meeting on two days’ notice. No motion to reverse or review previous decisions of the membership or Steering Committee shall be acted upon unless it is contained in the notice of the meeting. The Unit Secretary or Steering Committee shall include in the meeting notice any motion from ten or more members in good standing an intention to move for such review or reversal.
Section 3. A special membership meeting shall be called by the Unit Secretary or Steering Committee on the instructions of the majority vote of the Steering Committee or by written petition signed by not fewer than 10 members in good standing at the time of filing the petition.
Section 4. The order of business at a membership meeting shall be as follows and may be suspended by two third majority vote of members present:
a. Call to order
b. Reading and action on minutes of previous meeting
c. Report of officers and Steering Committee
d. Report of committees
e. Old business
f. New business
g. Adjournment
Section 5. A number constituting a quorum for membership meetings shall be those present.
Section 6. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Unit in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Procedures and any special rules of order the Unit may adopt.
Section 1. The Steering Committee shall have general decision-making authority between membership meetings. .
Section 2. The Steering Committee shall consist of the three executive officers: Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary and four (4) additional members elected at-large by the membership of the Unit. The officers and Steering Committee members of the Unit shall be elected by a majority vote of the members prior to the annual meeting in January and shall take office at the January meeting
a. Vacancies in the post of Unit officers or Steering committee positions shall be fill by the Steering Committee, but the member(s) so designated shall hold office only until the next membership meeting of the Unit, when a successor or successors shall be nominated form the floor and elected by a majority vote of members present.
Section 3. The Steering Committee shall meet at least twice per month , the time and place of such meetings to be designated by the Unit Chair.
Section 4. Members of the Steering Committee may be removed by two-thirds majority vote of the membership present at any monthly meeting so long as such action was placed on the agenda as provided in Article IV, Membership Meetings, Section 2.
Section 5. Special meetings of the Steering Committee shall be called by the Unit Chair or by the Unit Secretary-Treasurer upon written request of three of the members of the Steering Committee, on request of the Chair of a Select Committee, or on petition of ten members of the Unit.
Section 1. The Unit Chair shall preside at all regular membership meetings and at meetings of the Steering Committee, may appoint the Chair of all Unit Select Committees, subject to the approval of the Steering Committee, and shall supervise other officers in the exercise of their respective duties.
Section 2. The Unit Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Unit Chair in the absence of that officer.
Section 3. The Unit Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of membership meetings and meetings of the Steering Committee. The Unit Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of Unit membership.
Section 4. All officers shall be responsible for advocating for members of the Unit. Officers shall uphold member rights as specified in their workplace policies or contract, address issues or grievances promptly, and ensure timely dissemination of Unit communications. All officers shall attend Unit meetings whenever possible and shall work towards promoting unity and solidarity among members.
Section 1. The Steering Committee may establish a Select Committee to serve a particular duty, and the Steering Committee shall supervise a Select Committee in the exercise of that duty.
Section 2. Members of a Select Committee shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.
Section 3. Vacancies on a Select Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
Section 4. Members of a Select Committee may be removed by majority vote of the Steering Committee. A Select Committee member may be removed by action of the Unit in a membership meeting provided that notice of the proposed recommendation is included in the properly posted meeting notices.
Section 5. The chair of a Select Committee shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.
Section 6. The chair of a Select Committee shall be responsible for providing reasonable notice of and establishing time, location, and agenda of a Select Committee meeting.
Section 7. Unit membership shall approve by majority vote of members present at a regular meeting recommendations issued by a Select Committee provided that notice of the proposed recommendation is included in the properly posted meeting notices. Recommendations issued by a Select Committee shall only pertain to the particular duty of a Select Committee.
Section 1. Monthly dues rates shall be as established by the membership and approved by the Local but shall be no less than the Minimum Dues Schedule set forth in the TNG Constitution. The Unit may assess dues amounts greater than the TNG Minimum Dues Schedule to comply with other TNG or CWA financial requirements, or for other purposes approved by the membership.
Section 2. The rates of monthly dues may be changed by majority vote of the members in good standing at a regular or special meeting provided that notice of the proposed dues change is included in the properly posted meeting notices.
Section 3. Alumni dues shall be assessed at not less than $10 per month.
Section 1. The Unit Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and members of the Steering Committee, shall, in the event of a contest, be elected annually by secret ballot.
Only Members in good standing shall be eligible to vote or hold office.
Section 2. Nominations shall be received for all offices described above at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting. Every member nominated shall signify in writing by the close of nominations, their willingness to serve if elected. Nominations shall close one week prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3. The election of Steering Committee members shall be conducted by secret ballot. Voting shall be open for six days and shall close on the day immediately preceding the annual meeting.
The Unit Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and four Steering Committee candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be the winners.
In the event of a tie between two or more remaining candidates for one contested seat, a runoff shall be conducted between the remaining candidates.
Section 4. All Steering Committee members and officers shall take office at the annual meeting and shall hold office until the next annual meeting and until a successor is elected.
Section 5. Vacancies in the post of Unit officers or Steering committee positions shall be filled by the Steering Committee, but the member(s) so designated shall hold office only until the next membership meeting of the Unit, when a successor or successors shall be nominated form the floor and elected by a majority vote of members present.
Section 6. The method for election or appointment of delegates to meetings of other councils and organizations shall be determined by the Steering Committee.
Each elected member of the Unit, after meeting all other qualifications, shall be duly installed upon taking the following oath:
“I, [NAME], herby accept the office of [NAME OF OFFICE] of the Political Workers Guild of Colorado, CWA Local 37074, with full knowledge of the responsibilities and duties of such office.
“I promise to faithfully discharge my duties according to the Procedures and rules of the Unit, the Local, and the Constitution and policies of the Union.
“I further promise to give my successor in office all books and records in my possession. I shall at all time endeavor to service my Unit and the Union to the best of my ability.”
This article aims to safeguard the welfare of all individuals affiliated with the Political Workers Guild of Colorado by fostering a respectful, inclusive, and secure environment.
Section 1. For the purposes of theseProcedures:
a. "Harassment" shall mean any unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or electronic, based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, profession, and any other protected characteristic.
b. Specific manifestations of harassment may include:
• Harassing or abusive behavior, including unwelcome attention.
• Inappropriate or offensive remarks, slurs, or jokes.
• Physical or verbal intimidation.
• Stalking.
• Inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome proximity.
• Online harassment.
• Other forms of verbal, physical or electronic conduct deemed inappropriate or offensive.
Section 2. Harassment in any form, as defined herein, shall be strictly prohibited and shall be deemed a material breach of the terms of membership of the Political Workers Guild of Colorado and these Bylaws.
Section 3. Any individual who believes they have been subject to or have witnessed harassment may notify any member of the Steering Committee or the whole of the Steering Committee of the Political Workers Guild.
Section 4. Upon receiving a report, the Steering Committee of the Political Workers Guild or any select committee empowered to do so, shall conduct a prompt, impartial, and confidential investigation.
Section 5. Should any individual be found in violation of this article, appropriate remedial actions shall be taken which may include suspension or termination of membership of the Political Workers Guild of Colorado, subject to appeal to the Local union and/or the national union.
Section 6. Retaliation against any individual reporting or suspected of reporting harassment, or assisting in any investigation, is hereby expressly prohibited and shall itself be deemed a violation of this policy.
Section 7. Should any member of the Steering Committee be named in a report of harassment, Chapter XX of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.
Section 1. Any member of the Steering Committee who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, is an "Interested Person."
A person has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family:
a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Unit has a transaction or arrangement.
b. A compensation arrangement with the Unit or with any entity or individual with which the Unit has a transaction or arrangement.
c. A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Unit is negotiating a transaction or arrangement.
Section 2. In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an Interested Person must disclose the existence of their financial interest and all material facts to the Steering Committee considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.
After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the Interested Person, they shall leave the meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon. The remaining members of the Steering Committee shall decide if a conflict of interest exists.
The Steering Committee shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested members whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Unit’s best interest and for its own benefit and whether the arrangement or transaction is fair and reasonable to the Unit and shall make its decision as to whether to enter the transaction or arrangement in conformity with such determination.
Section 1. The Political Workers Guild of Colorado or any entity associated with the Unit shall not issue political endorsements for any political candidate or political campaign.
Section 2. The Political Workers Guild of Colorado may certify political campaigns if the political campaign adheres to the requirements set forth by a Campaign Certification Committee. The campaign certification committee should be diligent to share a summary of their recommendation, and general notes/flags of the planks candidates have or have not met. Whatever is more expedient and respectful of the campaign certification committee's time and capacity, candidates may be certified by a vote of approval by majority vote of membership at a regular or special meeting. Members may vote via google form so long as they are given 5 days notice to review and vote. Members have a right to request proof of the vote total, except the names of members and their corresponding vote.
Section 1. The calling, conduct and termination of strikes affecting this Unit shall at all times be carried out in compliance with the rules prescribed by the CWA and its Constitution.
Section 1. These Procedures may be amended by any membership meeting upon submission of the proposed amendment by the Steering Committee on its own motion or by petition signed by not fewer than 20 members or ten per cent of the members in good standing, whichever is fewer. Notice of a proposed amendment shall b eincluded in the meeting agenda. A secret ballot on such proposed amendment shall be held after the membership meeting at which such proposed amendment is presented. Open discussion shall precede the secret ballot. All members shall be given an equal opportunity to vote on a proposed amendment.
These Procedures shall be interpreted by the Steering Committee subject to appeal to the membership.
Nothing in these Procedures shall be deemed to conflict with or take precedence over provisions of the currently effective CWA, TNG-CWA Constitutions, and DNG Bylaws except that in purely local matters the Political Workers Guild reserves jurisdiction unto itself wherever DNG-TNG-CWA is silent.
These Procedures shall be adopted upon the approval of a majority of the members voting upon their adoption in the membership meeting called for that purpose or by referendum of the membership.
These Bylaws adopted May 18, 2021.
Revised Bylaws adopted January 19, 2022.
Revised Bylaws adopted June. 19th, 2024.